Put out the welcome mat in your garden for visiting friends, family members and pollinators with a 10 in. x 20 in. tile of cold-hardy live Sedum succulents. While you may be familiar with the jump to conclusions mat, this is not that. Far from it. These are lovable, little, living succulent plants, so we don't advise any sort of jumping activity in their immediate vicinity. Viewed at eye level, these adorable sedums form a miniature, fairy garden-friendly forest of fanciful shapes and colors. You can plant a single or multiple tiles in a garden bed, border or slope and watch the plants grow and fill in your space with wonderful ground-cover colors and forms. You can also cut the tile into about as many pieces as you see fit, enabling you to use the plants in various ways, from themed designs and small novelty planters to mixed containers or window boxes with other succulents or drought-tolerant plants. The plants are rooted in soil, with a coconut fiber mat underneath that binds the roots and soil for easy handling. When the tile is first laid on the ground, give it a good amount of water for the first week. After that, the plants will be well on their way to developing drought tolerance and will display their best color when water is sparse. Sedums bloom in the spring. If desired, feed once in early spring with a liquid fertilizer diluted at half strength. Provide full to part sun. Hardy to USDA Zone 5/minus 20°F.
- Great in garden and for DIY projects
- Live, fully rooted succulent plants
- Drought tolerant and cold hardy
- Easy to grow and low maintenance
- Numerous ways to use for home and garden décor