What a discovery, and so pink! Echeveria 'Pink Diamond' PP33,616 is a rosette succulent gem wholly realized from another juicy gem -- a naturally occurring whole plant mutation of the endearing favorite Echeveria 'Lola'. What does this mutation business, exactly? This delightful find was spotted within a grouping of Echeveria 'Lola' in an Altman Plants greenhouse. Mother Nature, it seems, has a few curveballs up her sleeve.
So what's different? With 'Pink Diamond', it's principally all about that pink versus the alabaster rosettes of 'Lola'. 'Pink Diamond' displays greater color contrast between its leaves and leaf margins, and there's a slight upswept look to the leaves. 'Lola' blushes more of a violet color in cooler weather. 'Pink Diamond' pours on the pink even more in cool weather and manages to retain a pink coloration all year, whereas many other pink-friendly succulents tend to only show their pink side in cool temps. The echeveria's combo of pink plus its hyaline margins, a trait inherited from 'Lola', also allows 'Pink Diamond' to stand out from other pink succulents.
Like 'Lola', 'Pink Diamond' is perfect for mixed planters, centerpieces, small pots and so much more.